Big City Speed.

Small Town Service.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fiber?
Fiber optic cable is a bundle of fiber optic threads made of pure glass each about the diameter of a human hair. Fiber optic cable uses light instead of electricity to carry digital data. It is able to transmit information at virtually unlimited speed and capacity!
Is there a cost to bring fiber to my home?
If you live in the area on our fiber project listed above there is no cost assosicated with fiber.
How will a fiber connection improve my life?
Fiber delivers faster speeds, increased reliability, and unlimited bandwidth! Fiber is the most advanced method to deliver high-speed internet. Plus, fiber is a great economic leveler for rural residents. Your home will have the same advanced connectivity as the most high-tech buildings in the world.
How is fiber optic cable installed?
The construction process is broken into different phases. Phase 1 is plowing main line conduit. Phase 2 is blowing the fiber into the main line conduit. Phase 3 is plowing a smaller conduit to the home. Phase 4 is blowing or pulling the fiber to the home. Phase 5 is splicing the fiber to provide connectivity to the home. Phase 6 Connecting the home using a modem/router and providing WiFi throughout the home.
How long does it take once construction has started?
Construction times vary based on the size of the project and the number of customers being hooked up. We generally try to get everything wrapped up in 3-6 months.
Will the fiber construction process disturb my property?
We will have to plow or bore a fiber drop to your home which will disturb your property. Our goal is to treat your property as if it were our own. We will always strive to promptly restore your property to a condition as close to original as possible.
Will equipment be installed at my home?
Yes. We will place a small fiber junction box on the outside of your home and Inside your home we will be installing a new Optical Network Terminal (ONT) and a wireless router. Additional ethernet wiring inside your home may also be required. Don’t Worry! Although this process sounds a bit complicated, it doesn’t take long at all and will be performed by a skilled ATC technician at no cost to you! A battery backup will be required to power your phone and/or internet service in the event of a general power outage.  
Why a buried fiber network?
Buried networks are all about Reliability, Reliability, Reliability! Count on your fiber connection working in blizzards, fires, or windstorms!
Will fiber increase the value of my home?
A fiber connection to your home could increase the value of your home by as much as much as 3% according to the Fiber To The Home Council. Your investment in your home means more money in your pocket. More importantly, fiber to your home means a higher quality of life for you and your family in this digital information age.

We're all about building where the greatest need and highest amount of interest is. If you're interested in a fiber connection - simply fill out the interest form.

Fiber phases



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Enjoy fiber internet!

Fiber optic internet is at the forefront of broadband technology. It plays a pivotal role in bridging the digital divide, ensuring that rural communities stay connected with the rest of the world.

Rich Redman 
President and CEO

New house construction. Wooden frame with truss, post and beams.

Building a new home?

It's time to start thinking about communication connections.

The cost to connect your home to ATC’s network will be considerably less if we can complete our construction alongside that of other utility companies. Utilizing the same open trenches, and/or installing underground conduit before asphalt and sprinkler systems will save you time and money.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that homes are going wireless. Even the best wireless systems simply don’t have the bandwidth or reach that a hardwired network will have. Wireless signals suffer from interference from other wireless networks, appliances, radios, and electronic devices. A wired connection is simply more reliable and consistent.