Get A Jump Start On Your Spring Cleaning
National Clean Out Your Computer Day – February 13th
It’s not easy being clean…or so the cliche says. Finding time to ‘clean’ out your computer means more than just dusting off the keyboard and wiping yesterday’s fingerprints from the screen. National Clean Out Your Computer Day is a great opportunity to organize your files, delete junk files, and install those important updates you’ve been putting off till later.
Cleaning your computer really will make your life easier! Anti-virus scans and software updates will help your system run faster, smoother, and ultimately – last longer. Keeping your computer clean also means spending just a few extra minutes organizing your desktop or sorting all those emails sitting in your Inbox. And if you’re really feelin the clean vibe, take a look at your computer’s temporary file folders, and consider defragmenting your hard drive.
If all of that mumbo-jumbo sounds too complicated to tackle, then focus on what you CAN do: dump the crumbs out of your keyboard, wipe down your mouse with an anti-bacterial hand wipe, and consider using a can of compressed air to clean the fan and vents on your computer. Disclaimer: Be sure to check the user manual of your computer/laptop for complete cleaning instructions.
And don’t forget… Share your progress on social media with #CleanOutYourComputerDay. You just might inspire others to get a jump start on their spring cleaning too.