2018 Customer Appreciation BBQ – Arco City Park
We were excited to host our annual Customer Appreciation BBQ party at the Arco City Park this year. ATC Communication employees came out in full force to entertain, cook, and mingle with nearly 500 patrons from the Lost River Valleys. Burgers and hotdogs were served hot off the grill, along with side dishes, root beer floats, and slushies for dessert. Patrons young and old were entertained with everything from bounce houses and balloons for the kids to smart home and fiber demonstrations for the adults.
Throughout the evening we also showcased our expanding fiber network. Last year we connected nearly 100 homes and businesses in the Lost River Valley to fiber. This year we’re working to connect another 100 subscribers with construction currently underway in the “Dee Addition” section of town. We’re proud of our expanding fiber network and look forward to a continued bright future with the patrons of the Lost River Valleys. To learn more about fiber, and the benefits only fiber can deliver, check out our online video “ATC & The Lost River Valleys”. And CONGRATULATIONS to our random drawing winners!