Fiber Project Update
As summer comes to a close, we are pleased to announce that our Fiber-To-The-Home project is well underway. Much of the “leg work” has been completed, and we are getting closer to our end goal: Connecting each and every home in the Albion Valley to fiber optics.
Remind Me…Why Fiber?
Fiber is the future of communications. Fiber will give you access to the same speeds and services you’ll find in some of the largest cities in America. In fact, Albion is one of the first telephone exchanges in Idaho to go 100% fiber! Not only will fiber increase the value of your home, it will make your services more reliable and much faster!
Project Overview:
We have already buried duct to the majority of the homes in Albion. This is often the most inconvenient phase for homeowners. We recognize that it is never convenient for someone to dig on your property. We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we finish up this laborious phase. Once the duct is in place, we will begin preparing your home for fiber. This includes installing a small enclosure on the exterior of your home and possibly running new interior wires. Since each and every home in unique, we will work closely with each homeowner during this process. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us.
After each homeowner is set up for fiber, we will complete the process by “blowing” the fiber into the buried ducts, and making the final connections. We are optimistic that every homeowner will experience the joy of fiber by the end of the year!
Again, we truly appreciate your patience with us throughout this journey. We would love to answer any additional questions or concerns you may have. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call. You can also follow us on Facebook or visit our Blog to keep updated on our project.