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Billing & Payment
- How do I close my account?
- Can I view and pay my bill online?
- How do I enroll in paperless billing?
- How long does it take to get my service connected?
- What is the cost to install new phone service?
- What is the USF Charge on my bill?
- When is my bill due?
- Why is my first bill so high?
- Where does my most recent payment show on my bill?
- What is my account number?
- How much does it cost to add calling features?
- What is the End User Charge on my bill?
- What is the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program charge? (ITSAP)
- What is the Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC)?
- I’m enrolled in autopay. Can I still make a one-time online payment?
- I need help paying my bill. How do I qualify for assistance?
- What is the Lifeline program?
- If my bill is late, will I be charged a late fee?
- Why was I charged a deposit?
- Why am I receiving text messages from ATC?
- Will I be charged for text messages I receive from ATC?
- I no longer wish to receive text messages from ATC. How do I opt out?